Master’s Academy offers a vast array of programs to offer the student a well-rounded, Christian worldview education. Our academic programs are rigorous and college preparatory for those who are college bound. We are deeply committed to preparing our graduates for the calling to which God leads them.
As a school, we take advantage of numerous opportunities throughout the year to serve our community in Jesus’ name. Our ultimate purpose as individuals, and as a school, is to bring honor and glory to our Heavenly Father. The Spiritual life is at the very essence of Master’s Academy, it is all that we do, all day long, every day of the year. Our spiritual journey is not an addendum. It is who we are.
Why Choose Master's Academy?
2018 State Quarter Finalists
We are deeply committed to preparing our graduates for the calling to which God leads them. Our academic programs provide rigor with college preparatory academics as well as sensitivity to those seeking vocational careers.
Our Fine Arts department continues to present exceptional programs and is a wonderful avenues through which we can creatively express our love for the Lord and our appreciation of the liberties God has blessed us with.
Our Athletic program continues to be successful allowing our students to develop physically and spiritually as they acquire valuable lessons in life about perseverance, fair play, and how to compete with a Christ-like attitude.
Our ultimate purpose as individuals, and as a school, is to bring honor and glory to our Heavenly Father. Serving others outside our campus provides students’ to grow spiritual in ways our campus education cannot provide alone.

SPIRITUAL LIFE is purposely not listed above because it is not something we add to our school. It is who we are, all day long, every day. Our spiritual journey is not an addendum. The good grades, athletic wins, and standing ovations will always be welcome recognitions of hard work. We recognize without the applause of our Heavenly Father, those human accolades are all in vain.

2020 Congressional
Art Finalist

2018 State
Quarter Finalists

Submission, Vision, and Mission
“Veritas et Lux,” Latin for “Truth and Light.”
We submit to the Word of God. We embrace it as the Truth and Jesus Christ is the Light of the World. We seek to acknowledge this Source of truth and light, the source of liberty and of all excellence.
Our Vision is that students at Master’s Academy will enjoy learning in a teacher directed, safe, loving environment following the example of Our Lord as described in Luke 2:52: intellectually, physically, spiritually, and relationally. Graduates will be equipped to thrive in future academic studies and be well-rounded with strong Christian character, articulate in their faith, displaying servant leadership, and be self-governed.
It is the mission of Master’s Academy to spiritually develop and academically challenge students to impact their world for Jesus Christ. Master’s Academy is committed to excellence in education, the truth and authority of the scriptures, and a Christ-centered worldview.
Master's Academy Pillars of Fruit